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expanding current中文是什么意思

用"expanding current"造句"expanding current"怎么读"expanding current" in a sentence


  • 扩展水流


  • Our company ' s aim is to maintain , further develop and expand current business covered by two ground handling companies at pudong international airport and hongqiao internatinal airport
  • Our company ' s aim is to maintain , further develop and expand current business covered by two ground handling companies at pudong international airport and hongqiao internatinal airport
  • Our company ' s aim is to maintain , further develop and expand current business covered by two ground handling companies at pudong international airport and hongqiao internatinal airport
  • All these functions in the system have expanded current measurement methods and strengthen the app lications fields of virtual instrument . the main contents of the paper : 1 . research background this section has made out a new tractor inspection method based on virtual instrument after generalizing present tractor technology development , testing methods and existing problems
    本论文主要的研究内容包括: ( 1 )研究背景分析了拖拉机的发展现状,并对当前已有的拖拉机检测线的特点以及检测手段和所存在的问题进行了讨论,提出了一种新的基于网络化虚拟仪器的拖拉机检测系统。
用"expanding current"造句  
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